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[SJS]⇒ Libro Enhanced eBook Michael J Alan

Enhanced eBook Michael J Alan

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A young, cello-playing, molecular-biologist finds a surprising way forward in the war between smart machines, designer babies, corporate greed, and humanity. In Top Five of November 2016 British Arts Council competition.

Enhanced eBook Michael J Alan

Cyril Portman starts off in a cell, then immediately sets to explain why he’s there. After his sister lost a baby, and then quickly after her life, Cyril invented JeNi. This discovery is able to create genetic enhancement in such a way that Cyril could even give toad wings. But instead of being immediately revered for his discovery, the board rejected JeNi. Cyril tests JeNi out on pregnant women who had a high risk of losing their babies, and JeNi ended up saving most of them. However, the court held Cyril liable for the deaths of the few infants he could not save.
Cyril is a protagonist that thirsts for knowledge and is trying to do the right thing. His weakness is dealing with pretty women, as he had many crushes for years, and even remembered the names of all these crushes. He makes a good character because his drive makes him an active protagonist, which is much needed for this kind of story. Cyril is often seeking out friendship (or in Lu’s case, a relationship) and is just as often rejected. Since he spends some time in isolation in his cell, it makes sense that he’s so determined for human interaction. I think this helps adds to his need to Zhang in his quest, raising the stakes that much more.
Zhang gets an interest in JeNi. Without revealing too much, Zhang goes through drastic measures to transport Cyril to China. With the help of JeNi, Cyril is determined to do what he meant to do since his sister died.

Product details

  • File Size 2513 KB
  • Print Length 271 pages
  • Publisher Living Small Press (January 28, 2017)
  • Publication Date January 28, 2017
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  Enhanced eBook Michael J Alan

Tags : Enhanced - Kindle edition by Michael J. Alan. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Enhanced.,ebook,Michael J. Alan,Enhanced,Living Small Press,Fiction Science Fiction Apocalyptic & Post-Apocalyptic,Fiction Science Fiction Genetic Engineering
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Enhanced eBook Michael J Alan Reviews

Spoiler alert Felt this book had 3 stories. All different and bizarre. First, Cyril, a brilliant scientist who wanted to save brain damaged infants with the JeNi software he developed. His work with the death of 6 infants gets him arrested and we find him suddenly in solitary at a supermax prison in Wyoming. Second, Cyril, while in prison, is kidnapped, taken to China and kept in an identical (almost) cell and they won't let him out until he agreed to work for a pre-adolescent, genius and somehow extremely wealthy, Zhang, in China. Zhang forces him to use JeNi to create hundreds? of brilliant enhanced children, who are kept in China for awhile, but then sent to live with regular families in the U.S to supposedly socialize them. Why the U.S? Third, Zhang and company cause the destruction of everything computer, electrical and mechanized (to save mankind) and deliver all people (remaining) in the world, back to the dark ages. To avoid the chaos, Zhang hires a freighter to take Cyril, his wife, Lu,an obstetrician (why an obstetrician?) and others to what Zhang has named Eden NH. Eden turns out to be located in the U.S. in the mountains of New Hampshire. New Hampshire? This kindle book gave me a headache trying to figure out where the author was going and why. Only my opinion of course, but I felt It could have been so much better.
Enhanced follows a journal written by a twenty-eight year old molecular biologist called Cyril serving six life sentences in a federal prison in Wyoming for crimes against evolution.

It starts with an introduction into Cyrils life with his father dying in Iraq, his mother dying in child birth, and his sister Chloe working at an Alzheimer’s research corporation. Having found out that the pill the corporation was making was a phony. Chloe quits, and joins a bunch of hobos hopping freight trains to explore the country. Eventually Chloe joins a community called Perma Haven where she is a soap and candlemaker. The community does not allow external resources from outside the community but depend on the help from everyone in the community to pull their load, so to speak. Without contraceptives Chloe sleeps with a couple of males on different nights and manages to get pregnant (where previously she could not get pregnant). She is not sure who the Father is but calls the girl Jenny.

During birth Jenny faces complications, and gets born without a brain. Cyril feels guilty and spends his time developing a device that can manipulate so that he can prevent the same problem happening in future fetuses. Making a break through in research, Cyril decides to try his machine JeNi, on twenty fetuses who had the same problem as Jenny. Out of the twenty fetuses treated with JeNi; fourteen are healthy, six infants are still born with brains but distorted, and not a fault with JeNi.

His funding is cut, and he gets handcuffed, and charged with six counts of first-degree feticide. Escaping death penalty at the trial he is charged with six back-to-back life terms.

He is sent to a maximum prison in Wyoming where his whole cell is controlled by a computer. I could keep on writing as this is where the story gets exciting but I do not want to spoil too much for you. But I have to say that this book has a brilliant, and happy ending which involves the perfect Eden. Hint. Hint.
"I thought the book Enhanced to be entertaining in the style in which the author chose to right the book. It comes from the point of view of a educated scientist who has been put in jail due to his discoveries. And takes you through his various journal entries as he is in jail. You get the sense that he is almost being driven mad, in the way that he speaks to himself and you and to the characters he creates in order to sort through things in his mind. If you enjoy Johnny Depp's performance of the mad hatter, then I believe -you'll really like this book."
This book is about a jailed 28year old molecular biologist named Cyril Portman. Portman begins to explain why he got locked up in the form of a journal. Portman had invented JeNi. His discovery of JeNi was able to create genetic enhancement which was completely amazing. He used JeNi to test on pregnant women who were at high risk of losing their babies. Portman did end up saving many of the infants but because the board rejected JeNi, the court had held him liable for the fe infants he couldn't save.

Portman finally makes his way to China with the help from Zang, which gave portman a chance to do what he has been dying to do since his sister had died.
If you are into journal books then you will really enjoy the way this book is written. I loved this book and give it 5 stars. Lovely creativity.
Cyril Portman starts off in a cell, then immediately sets to explain why he’s there. After his sister lost a baby, and then quickly after her life, Cyril invented JeNi. This discovery is able to create genetic enhancement in such a way that Cyril could even give toad wings. But instead of being immediately revered for his discovery, the board rejected JeNi. Cyril tests JeNi out on pregnant women who had a high risk of losing their babies, and JeNi ended up saving most of them. However, the court held Cyril liable for the deaths of the few infants he could not save.
Cyril is a protagonist that thirsts for knowledge and is trying to do the right thing. His weakness is dealing with pretty women, as he had many crushes for years, and even remembered the names of all these crushes. He makes a good character because his drive makes him an active protagonist, which is much needed for this kind of story. Cyril is often seeking out friendship (or in Lu’s case, a relationship) and is just as often rejected. Since he spends some time in isolation in his cell, it makes sense that he’s so determined for human interaction. I think this helps adds to his need to Zhang in his quest, raising the stakes that much more.
Zhang gets an interest in JeNi. Without revealing too much, Zhang goes through drastic measures to transport Cyril to China. With the help of JeNi, Cyril is determined to do what he meant to do since his sister died.
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